This section shows two more experiments you can do with a DMM. * The first one answers the question, “Why do batteries come in different sizes?” By measuring the current coming from various batteries, you can see how different size batteries can supply different amounts of current.
This diagram shows how to test the current from a coin battery. To test any other kind of battery, use the same DMM settings and connections. Touch the red probe to the (+) side of the battery, and the black probe tio the (-) side.
The video above shows how to measure the current drawn by a motor under different conditions. For example, the motor might have nothing attached to its shaft, as in the first diagram below, it might have a wheel attached, as in the second diagram, or it might even have things attached to the wheel. What changes each time?
![](/images/DMM Mot curr test.jpg)
![](/images/DMM Mot wheel curr test.jpg)