Energy systems
1. How Can You Get It to Move?
Students try to get things to move, first without a ramp, then with a piece of cardboard that can be used as a ramp.
How can you get it to move? (Part #1) Give students a variety of objects. Ask the students to try different ways of moving them. Note: some teachers prefer to let students experiment with the cardboard alone and don’t introduce other materials (as in the video above).
Class Meeting: Gather the class to discuss the ways they came up with. They have probably thought of pushing and pulling, possibly blowing, pushing with a stick, etc. Chart with the students how they were able to get the objects to move. (Movement can be sorted into two categories, pushing and pulling.
How can you get it to move? (Part #2) Provide the large sheets of cardboard, but do not suggest how they might be used (as ramps) – some students will probably come up with this idea on their own. Students may also use the cardboard in a see saw motion (essentially creating two ramps).
Class meeting: Gather the class to discuss the ways they came up with. If anyone has thought of using the cardboard sheet as a ramp, ask students:
Science Notebook: Draw and write about what you did to make something move. List the materials you used.