Energy systems
4. Let’s Roll
In order to make an electric car, you first need to make a car. In this lesson, students create cars that will roll when given a push or released on a ramp. They confront issues of friction, and develop means for reducing it; and work on how to make their cars go straight.
Advance Preparation
Car talk: Before making a motorized car, students solve the problem of making a simple car that will roll easily. Ask students:
Make a car: Provide materials for making cars, and cardboard sheets for making ramps. Students should test their cars by trying to get them to roll down ramps. It is likely that many of them will not work well. See the Troubleshooting section below. The 8 ½ x 11″ cardboard sheets may not be big enough to test the cars properly. If so, ask:
Class meeting: Discuss the issues that came up and what students did to solve them. Introduce the words axle for the stick that holds the wheels, and body for the cardboard platform. There are usually two issues:
Make the cars better: Provide time for students to troubleshoot their cars, and redesign them if necessary. Then use the How to Make a Car Worksheet to write a Troubleshooting Guide and a Construction Manual.
There are a variety of issues that arise as students build simple cars. Each gives an opportunity to Troubleshoot. It is only by troubleshooting that students learn how to troubleshoot, so embrace these issues. These videos represent some of the issues that arise.
Wheels don’t turn easily because of one of the following:
This Troubleshooting Table organizes Issues, Possible Causes, and Fixes.