Energy systems
10. Design an ElectroFying ElectroCity
An ElectroFying ElectroCity is a mystery box or car that surprises you with sound, light and/or motion when you trip a hidden switch. Students use anything they have learned to create these culminating projects. Optional extensions provide some additional resources: how to understnad and use series and parallel circuits; and how to make magnetic proximity switches.
Advance Preparation
Brainstorming ideas: Review all the major circuits and devices developed so far. Students will now have an opportunity to use any of these to design and make their most surprising and complicated projects. These projects should use hidden switches and any of the other sources students have learned to use. Conduct a brainstorming session with the class to elicit ideas for ElectroFying ElectroCities. Chart all the ideas. For additional suggestions, see Troubleshooting.
Designing the ElectroFying ElectroCity: Ask students to record their ideas in their Science Notebooks or on the Worksheet. They should include the basic idea, parts, location and method of operation of the hidden switch(es), a drawing of how it will look and a circuit diagram using standard symbols.
Extensions: The two optional extensions provide additional resources for designing and making ElectroFying ElectroCities. The first extension shows how to understand and use series and parallel circuits to overcome the problem of powering and controlling two different-color LED’s from the same battery and switch. The second extension develops electrical and magnetic properties of materials, and uses these insights in making a magnetic proximity switch, which can control a circuit from a distance.
Here are some ideas students have had for ElectroCitiy: