Energy systems
Fantastic Elastic
8 Experiment with Rubber Band
The class decides on two different numbers of turns to give the rubber band. Half the class finds out how far a medium-wheel wind-up goes with each number of turns. The other half does the same experiment with a large-wheel wind-up. Data is collected on class data charts. The class discusses the data and looks for patterns.
Advance Preparation
Class meeting: The purpose of the meeting is for students to review the experiment they will do. This is an experiment to see how far wind-ups (medium and large wheel) will go with a specific number of turns of the stick.
Experimenting: Assign student groups to spaces and let them begin. Go among the groups to make sure all students are using the numbers of turns decided upon. Look at the data to see if it makes sense, i.e., if more turns is related to the wind-up going further. If the data show fewer turns going further, ask the student if it makes sense. Assist with troubleshooting.
Class meeting: The purpose of the meeting is to collect student wind-up data, compare the data, see if the data make sense, and draw conclusions from the data Medium wheel data: First ask groups who experimented with the medium wheel wind-up: How far did the wind up go with ____ turns (the smaller number). Record the data on the class chart and ask:
Why do you think everyone didn’t get exactly the same result? This is an important discussion of sources of differences. Ask these same groups for their data on how far the wind-ups went with the larger number of turns. Record the data on the second chart and ask: Do you see any pattern between the data on the first chart and the data on the second chart?
Engage the whole class and record any patterns they may see. Large wheel data: Now ask groups who experimented with the large wheel wind-up: How far did the wind up go with ___ turns (the smaller number)? Record the data on the third class chart. Ask these same groups for their data on how far large wheel wind-ups went with the larger number of turns. Record the data on the fourth chart and ask: Do you see any pattern between the data on the third chart and the data on the fourth chart? Again engage the whole class in discussion and record any patterns.
Data on turns of the rubber band