Make A Belt-Drive Car
Materials for a Belt-Drive Car
You will need the following to make this belt-drive car:
- Cardboard rectangle, about 6″ x 8″
- 2 wooden dowels or skewers, at least 7″ long, for axles
- 2 straws for bearings
- 4 wheels that fit on axles
- 1 1.5 volt motor and bushing
- 1 battery holder and 1.5 volt battery (see video on making battery holder)
- 1 switch (see video on making switch)
- 1 spool
- 1 rubber band
- and scissors, wire stripper, masking tape and double sided tape.
The Car Body and Back Wheels
Awad begins work on the cardboard sheet, which will be the car body. He tapes a straw to the cardboard through which the rear axle will go.
- He makes a notch, about 2″ x 2″, in the front of the car. The notch is where the rubber band will go to connect the motor to the front axle.
Front Wheels, Axle, and Spool
Here are steps shown in the video:
- Awad attaches the spool to the middle of the front axle, so the spool will line up with the notch.
- He wraps tape around the axle so the spool fits snugly on the axle, then places a rubber band around the spool.
- This rubber band will transmit power from the motor to the spool and front wheels.
- Awad places the axles through the straws, then attaches the wheels to axles so they don’t slip.
- He uses tape on axles that are too small. This increases their size so the wheels fit snugly.
Mount the Motor and Bushing
Awad decides where to place the motor.
- He places the rubber band around the spool and the motor shaft.
- He adjusts the position of the motor so it lines up with the spool and is neither loose nor tight.
- He places a bushing on the motor shaft, flange side out, to keep the rubber band from slipping of the shaft.
Connect the Battery and Switch
Awad hooks up the battery holder and switch (see the video on sub-systems of the car). He tapes the battery and holder to the car.
- He attaches the red lead of the motor to the negative end of the battery.
- He tapes the switch to the car.
- He strips one of the switch leads and attaches it to the positive end of the battery.
Last Motor Connection . . . and Go!
Last steps:
- Awad tapes the motor to keep it in place.
- He fastens the wire from the switch to the wire from the motor.
- He tapes down loose wires,
- Makes final adjustments,
- And there it goes!