Force and motion
1. Looking Closely at Pop-ups
Students begin their study of pop-ups by examining pop-ups that have been made commercially. After making general observations, they focus on the parts of a pop-up, what causes the pop-up action, and how the pieces need to be arranged for this action to occur.
Pop-up action. Demonstrate at least one complex pop-up book — see the video for an example — and then ask each group to examine simple pop-up books and record their observations. Chart these observations on chart paper.
Pop-up principles. Use the students’ observations to answer these questions about how pop-us work and how to make them:
a. What parts does the simplest pop-up need to have in order to work?
Outcome: A pop-up mechanism requires two pieces of paper: one for the book and another for the pop-up piece.
b. What do you have to do to the pop-up book to make something pop-up?
Outcome: The pop-up is powered by opening and closing the book.
c. How do the parts need to be attached or arranged to cause the pop-up action?
Outcome: The pop-up has to be attached to the book on either side of the center fold.
Naming the parts. Develop standard names for the pop-up parts, and ask students to use these names to express their conclusions in a common language.
See a diagram and video illustrating the pop-up parts and principles
Why does a pop-up need to be attached on both sides of the gutter? See an explanation and a video
Do you really need two pieces of paper to make a pop-up? View a video