Force and motion
5. Modeling Mechanisms
In Lesson 5, students compare two different kinds of materials for making mechanisms: Pegboards vs. Card-Stock. They then create card stock models of their pegboard mechanisms. Finally, they look at other examples of modeling, and explore how a model is both similar to, and also different from the real thing.
Comparing materials: Distribute the mechanisms from previous lessons. Provide each group with some of the card stock Mech-a-Blocks shapes.
Card stock models of pegboard mechanisms: Review the diagramming activities from the previous lesson. Then present another idea for keeping a record of their work: “What if we had thin cardboard pieces in the same shapes and colors as the pegboard?” Show them the shapes, strips and bases cut from card stock.
Improving the accuracy of the models: The models students make at first will probably not be very precise. Use some of the students’ examples to highlight this problem. If necessary, take them apart, and hold similar pieces one on top of the other to demonstrate the differences in hole locations.
Science Notebook: Use words and pictures to show how you made your model
Discussion of models: In a brief whole-class wrap-up discussion, ask students for examples of models. They might suggest model cars, planes or boats; doll houses, clothing or furniture; stuffed animals; etc. If they don’t include the mechanism models they have just made, ask if those should be added to the list. Then construct a class chart showing how each type of model is similar and different from the original. Finally, conduct a brief discussion about these topics:
Outcomes Students should be able to construct a card stock model of a pegboard mechanism, and be able to compare the operation of the model with that of the original, listing pros and cons of each.
Assessment Show students a pegboard mechanism, accompanied by an accurate card stock model.