Energy systems
Fantastic Elastic
11 How to Make My Wind-Up
Based on the steps actually followed, each student writes an illustrated instruction manual for making his or her favorite wind-up.
Advance Preparation
Class meeting: Students may already be familiar with “How-to” books. An engineering term for a “How-to” book is an Instruction Manual. Meet with students to discuss what an instruction manual is and how it can be used:
What should an instruction manual have? Discuss how an instruction manual could provide information:
Make a draw: Students may claim that they can’t draw. Using a lid, coffee cup or stick as an example, show how to use simple shapes to represent objects. See the Troubleshooting section for Lesson 4 for suggestions about how to get students started in making drawings.
Writing instruction manuals: Provide time for each student to write his or her own Instruction Manual. They can do it in the Science Notebook or on the Worksheet, “Instruction Manual for Making a Wind-up”. Number the steps. Make a diagram and write a description for each step.
Testing instruction manuals: After students have finished writing, demonstrate how to test an Instruction Manual. Select an instruction that is vague, such as “Make a hole in the cup,” and deliberately misinterpret it; for example, by making the hole on the side of the cup rather than the end. Ask students:
Revising instruction manuals: Ask students to revise their instruction manuals to provide all the information that is needed. This could be a homework assignment.